Are You Too Busy To Enjoy Life?

Hey Reader,

If you haven’t started slowing down, here are some statistics that might shock you.

About half of Americans (52%) that participated in a study said they’re usually trying to do two or more things at once and in another survey, 60% of adults said they at least sometimes felt too busy to enjoy life.

Are you too busy to enjoy life?

Many people associate “productivity” with trying to do more - but I believe the opposite is most important. Doing less, but focusing on the right things so that you actually have more time on the other end for what matters most to you.

There is a multitude of benefits of living a slower lifestyle.

Here are just a few:

  • Money: It might just come down to being more mindful about your purchases or putting your focus on experiences and enjoying the moment you’re in over chasing material items. Living slow is actually a good financial decision, too.

  • Happiness: Slowing down makes you appreciate what you have and the smaller things in your everyday life.

  • Health: Anxiety and stress are huge factors in being busy and overwhelmed. When you slow down, you’re better at managing that - slowing down and making time for other movements means even more health benefits.

  • Relationships: Spending quality time with your loved ones and placing your relationships above your work or busy schedule will strengthen your connections.

  • Productivity: Letting go of multitasking and focusing on meaningful and important work boosts your productivity. (And working on key items for less time gives you more space for the rest of the list!)

  • Time: By cutting down the amount of time you spend on things like TV or social media, you’ll find that you have so much more time on your hands for the activities you regularly struggle to fit in.

If you are always trying to multitask, have a back-to-back busy schedule, and never have time for anything, then maybe living slow can benefit you.

It's a great time to step back, look at what you want out of this time,

and start rebuilding it


Interested in learning more about the Unplug, Live Slow Experiment?



Lana Kitcher is a Productivity and Efficiency Coach, working with entrepreneurs and business owners to “Do Less, Better.” Lana has a passion for helping founders use work hours more efficiently so that they can make time and space for the joys of life.

Lana is also the founder of Bird by Bird, an online community for women starting their businesses. Connect with Lana on Instagram @LanaKitcher.