Kitcher’s Café is a monthly newsletter where I share a hybrid of personal and business updates. If you’d like to be the first to receive this monthly update, join the list here.
Dear Friend,
There's a meme going around the internet that fellow parents probably know well. The text says something like, "Setting up our fall decorations!" and the video shows a hand putting a variety of cold medicines up on the counter. 🤒🤧😷
With a little one who's not even in school, the sicknesses just come around with such a frequency that once you've passed one, a new one pops up.
At the same time, a lot of people are getting into fall festivities like outings, parties, and other events that start at around my bedtime - 8PM.
I share all of this as a continuation of my last email which is to admit that I am going through a season of wintering. The world certainly has a lot to offer right now, but my body and my energy levels are not up to the task. I appreciate the invitations, and I also appreciate the understanding when I politely decline so that I can take care of my physical and mental wellbeing in the way that suits me. There will be a time for me to get back out into the world, and I do miss the activities I was involved in before, but for now my answer is "no thank you, another time" and that is ok.
At a recent family function, my cousin was sharing with me his latest productivity tool and I asked if he'd be comfortable with my sharing it with you! See below for his incredible Kanban board and instructions for how to use it best:
Categories are color-coded.
There should be a maximum of 3 labels in the “doing column” at one time. This is to concentrate focus and drive completion.
Items can be kept in the “Done” column to reflect on past successes and record progress.
When I stick to it, it can be powerful and it feels great to move items to the column on the right.
Like anything, maintaining discipline to focus on the board takes practice, and I’m guilty of straying from updating progress frequently enough.
Labels should be attainable so they flow frequently through the board.
Large tasks can be broken into manageable chunks to increase throughput.
Physical vs. Digital Project Management Tools
Many digital project management tools allow a kanban view - Trello, a very popular tool you can use for free, is set up primarily in this way. When possible, I recommend using analog tools over digital ones, especially if it can easily be carried around (for those who travel) or if you work fairly consistently in one location.
The main reasons I suggest this are because
1) the body and brain connect with analog tools in a unique way
2) physical items are harder to ignore than digital ones that can be easily closed
3) physical tools have an obvious limit/capacity while digital tools can hold infinite amounts of information. Our bodies and our time does not function this way so it's easy to become overwhelmed when using digital tools, and then give them up.
Virtual Teams
When working with team members who do not share your physical location however, I do recommend switching to digital tools as it's easier for everyone to be on the same page. Make sure there is a designated project manager when possible, but everyone on the team needs to be using the PM tools consistently to get the most out of it. Also be sure that your tool isn't overloaded with projects. The current project list should be minimal and you keep a backlog or ideas list in a separate location to be revisited regularly for trimming or for moving things to the active list.
I also recommend going digital for content management (social media and blog scheduling, etc.) and for calendar management - especially helpful for sharing with family members.
Free Worksheets Page Coming Soon
I am finally getting back into producing free worksheets, and will be making these available on the website soon! The first couple that will be ready to share are:
SMART Goals Worksheet (currently available)
Project, Client, and Task Tracker sheets (revamped!)
How to Say No Worksheet (not previously available for download)
Eisenhower Matrix (new!)
I'll send the live link as soon as it's ready. In the meantime, let me know what other kinds of templates you've been looking for and I can add them to the list!
Next on my reading list...
I listened to this book on audio last year and liked it so much I purchased the physical book too. I'm planning to read that version this year and I'm starting now in anticipation of the holiday season.
There was an accompanying podcast which I also listened to and enjoyed. If you can't tell, I'm a huge fan of Beth Kempton. 🤗 It turns out a new season of Calm Christmas is starting soon, so follow along on your favorite platform.
This month was a little light, but that's just how some months go. Let me know what you've been up to! I look forward to hearing all about your current endeavors.