Bi-Weekly Mastermind
“Eliminate + Simplify (Essentialism)”
This call is where we present questions or challenges to the group and problem-solve together, offering insights from what has worked for us and what may help others. Each month is themed to help us learn and explore a variety of topics, but if other topics come up for you during the call that are off-theme we can always take a detour.
Each member is offered a guest pass (one call type per guest) so if there is a friend or colleague that you'd like to invite, please add them to this invitation.
These calls currently take place at 12PM Eastern, and alternate between Tuesdays and Wednesdays to help accommodate member schedules. This may need to be adjusted moving into 2022 but we will play it by ear for now.
January through October these calls take place on the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month. In November and December we switch up the schedule to make way for US Holidays.